*intellisense.txt*      For Vim version 6.3.    Last change: Tue Oct 12 2004 10:03:25 PM

                  VIM REFERENCE MANUAL    by Ravi Shankar

This is intellisense for Vim 6.3.                       *intellisense*
1. Introduction                                         |intellisense-intro|
2. Compatible Languages                                 |intellisense-lang|
3. Setup                                                |intellisense-setup|
4. Options                                              |intellisense-configure|
5. Develop for your own languages                       |intellisense-build|
6. Intellisense Future                                  |intellisense-future|
7. Acknowledgement                                      |intellisense-ack|
This is intellisense version 1.30

{Vi does not have any of these features}
{only available when compiled with the |+ole| |+client-server| feature}

1. Introduction                                         *intellisense-intro*

Vim has many features and and thats why we all love it. But many features
available in the IDE are still not present in our editor. As it is said many
times, IDE are usually built for specific languages (not true always), and
bulky. Thats why we use Vim, because it is light and fast. Still there are a
few features are needed when we develop our applications, like integrated
debugger and features like intellisense. Intellisense helps incredibly,
especially in languages like Java,C#, C++ , et al. since there are so many
APIs and remembering them is not easy. If there is an integrated help for languages
then the development of applications can improve incredibly. Though
intellisense means alot, in conventional ideas, like inline compilation,
integrated help, listing methods, attributues, etc., but here we confine
ourselves with only listing methods, attributes, showing online help, and
tooltips. Inline compliation is beyond the scope of this project.

This works only in Windows 2000/XP/NT(as of now). It needs Internet Explorer
5.0 or above. IE is needed for showing help.
Though it may work in Windows 95/98 it is not tested.

2. Compatible Languages                                 *intellisense-lang*

Intellisense for Vim is built to be compatible with any language. But as of
now it works for:

If you are interested, you can develop for your languages. In the later
sections it is described how to develop intellisense for various languages.
3. Setup                                                *intellisense-setup*
        Setup is available for intellisense. This is packaged as
self-extracting executable built with NSIS. Follow the steps while
installing and that should work fine. If things didnt show up please let me
know. There is a detailed installation guide at
Once setup is completed it includes a entry in the Add/Remove Programs. You
can uninstall the intellisense from there.

Setup General                                           *intellisense-gen*
If you want to know what setup is doing or to setup manually read on.
The core files(core-files) of Intellisense are
1. insenvim.exe
2. vimhelper.dll
3. intellisense.vim

There are other files which are filetype specific. For java (java-files) you
1. javaft.dll
2. javaft.jar
3. java_vis.vim
and for XML (xml-files), you need,
1. xmlft.dll
2. xml_vis.vim

Intellisense is available as |plugin|; partly as |ftplugin|. Common script for
all the languages are availabe as plugin and mapping and other file-type
specific options are available as fpplugin.

The core-files,except intellisense.vim can be copied into any location, but it
is typically copied into $VIM\Intellisense. After you copy your files, you
need to set the environment variable VIM_INTELLISENSE, which is pointing to
this directory. The file intellisense.vim should go to $VIM\vimfiles\plugin\.
You can even add the line in the vimrc file, rather than adding into the
environment variable. >
        let $VIM_INTELLISNESE=C:\Vim\Intellisense

The vim files which are specific to file-types should go to the directory
$VIM\vimfiles\ftplugin. So you would copy the files java_vis.vim and xml_vis.vim
to $VIM\vimfiles\ftplugin.

Setting up for Java                                     *intellisense-java*
To setup for java, you need to do the above steps(Setup General), and then
do the following steps:

1. Copy your javaft.dll and javaft.jar in to $VIM_INTELLISENSE directory.
2. Set the CLASSPATH pointing to $VIM_INTELLISENSE\javaft.jar.
3. Set the directory which contains jvm.dll in to $PATH. (Typically this will
be $JAVA_HOME\jre\bin\server. You can also use $JAVA_HOME\jre\bin\classic.)
4. Create an environment variable JAVA_DOCPATH pointing to you java docs. This
typically will be $JAVA_HOME\docs\api. Note: Dont just stop with
$JAVA_HOME\docs, notice it is $JAVA_HOME\docs\api.
5. Copy the file java_vis.vim to your $VIM\vimfiles\ftplugin directory.

You can also do optionally if you dont want to set the environment variables.
Do the following in your vimrc (which is an option to the above steps 2-5).
This assumes you have a $JAVA_HOME environment variable set.
This allows you to copy your vimfiles directory to different machines
without having to modify the PATH. >
        if has('win32')
            let g:intellisense_root_dir = expand('$VIM/Intellisense')
            if isdirectory(expand($JAVA_HOME))
               let g:intellisense_jvm_dir  = expand('$JAVA_HOME\jre\bin\server')
               let g:intellisense_javaapi_dir  = expand('$JAVA_HOME\docs\api')

You need Java SDK to run java intellisense.
You may have to restart the system, for the environment variables to take

Setting up for C++                                      *intellisense-c++*
To setup for c++, you need to follow the Setup-General. Then do the following
1. Copy the file cpp_vis.vim into your $VIM\vimfiles\ftplugin directory.
2. Copy the file cppft.dll into your $VIM\Intellisense directory.
3. Copy the folder cppft into your $VIM\Intellisense directory.

Dependencies for C++
For C++ plugin to work you need to do the following:
1. You need ActiveState Perl v5.8.4 or above.
2. Perl.exe should be in path.
3. You need to include the relevent files in the cpp file. Only the header
files that is included with have intellisense.
4. You need to set the environment variable INCLUDE. The include files are
searched in the directories which are present in INCLUDE. If you installed
Microsoft Visual Studio with "Register Environment Variable" option, INCLUDE
environment variable is set already for you.
If you didn't choose the option the do the following:
a) Go to Command Prompt.
b) Type "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\Bin\VCVARS32.bat".
c) Type "set include" from your prompt.
d) Choose the value for the INCLUDE environment variable. Open Computer
Properties->Advanced->Environment Variables. Create a new environment variable
INCLUDE and the copy the value that you copied. Apply.
e) Restart the system if you use Windows 98/95/NT; for 2000 or above you don't
need to restart.
f) Restart Vim. Type :echo $INCLUDE. This should display the values that you
set already; if not you did something wrong; start from item a again.
Repeat until you get it right.
g) Intellisense for C++ should be working from now on.

Setting up for XML                                      *intellisense-xml*
To setup for xml, you need to follow the Setup-General. Then do the following
1. Copy the file xml_vis.vim into your $VIM\vimfiles\ftplugin directory.
2. Copy the file xmlft.dll into your $VIM_INTELLISENSE directory.
Try <Ctrl-Space> for context sensitive completion.

Setting up for HTML                                     *intellisense-html*
To setup for html you need to follow the Setup-General. Then do the following
1. Copy the file html_vis.vim into your $VIM\vimfiles\ftplugin directory.
2. Copy the file htmlft.dll into your $VIM_INTELLISENSE directory.
3. Copy htmlgenlist.txt,htmltags.txt,htmlhelp.txt to your $VIM_INTELLISENSE
Try <Ctrl-Space> for context sensitive completion.

Setting up for C#                                       *intellisense-c#*
To setup for C# you need to follow the Setup-General. Then do the following
1. Copy the file cs_vis.vim into your $VIM\vimfiles\ftplugin directory.
2. Copy the file csft.dll into your $VIM_INTELLISENSE directory.
3. Copy CSVimHelper.dll,reg.bat to your $VIM_INTELLISENSE directory.
4. Run reg.bat to register the dlls. You need to set the directory gacutil.exe
in the path. You need the latest version of .NET SDK.

Setting up for SQL                                      *intellisense-sql*
To setup for sql you need to follow the Setup-General. Then do the following
1. Copy the file sql_vis.vim into your $VIM\vimfiles\ftplugin directory.
2. Copy the file sqlft.dll into your $VIM_INTELLISENSE directory.

The first time you open a SQL file the intellisense.vim plugin will create
the following files in your $VIM_INTELLISENSE directory:
    sqlall.txt, sqlfunctions.txt, sqlkeywords.txt, sqloperators.txt,
    sqloptions.txt, sqlstatements.txt, sqltypes.txt

These files are generated based on the entries within your SQL syntax file.
The syntax file included in the Vim distribution is for Oracle.  There are
other SQL syntax files for other databases available at www.vim.org.
For example:
    sql.vim : Syntax file for Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere

If there are entries missing from the popups, simply edit your syntax\sql.vim
syntax file and add the entries in the appropriate syntax groups.  Delete the
sql*.txt files from the $VIM_INTELLISENSE directory.  Restart Vim and these
files will be regenerated.

SQL Usage

The default mappings work only in INSERT mode.

There are two modes to the SQL plugin, static and dynamic.  The static mode
populates the lists with the data generated from the SQL syntax file.  The
contents of the lists is created when you first edit a SQL file after
installing Intellisense.  When the plugin initializes it checks for the
existence of the sql*.txt files listed above.  If these files do not exist,
they will be created.

The static lists created contain the following items (the items vary depending
on your syntax file and the database it was created for):
        - Select, Insert, Update, Delete, Create, Alter, ...
        - Min, Max, Trim, Round, Date, ...
        - Index, Database, Having, Group, With
        - Integer, Char, Varchar, Date, DateTime, Timestamp, ...
        - Like, Where, And, Or, In, Exists, ...
        - Isolation_level, On_error, Qualify_owners, Fire_triggers
        - Contains the contents of all above groups

To enable the popup, while in INSERT mode, use the following key combinations
for each group (where <C-Space> means hold the CTRL key down while pressing
the space bar):
    Statements - <C-Space>s
    Functions  - <C-Space>f
    Keywords   - <C-Space>k
    Types      - <C-Space>T
    Operators  - <C-Space>O
    Options    - <C-Space>P
    All        - <C-Space>a

Dynamic mode populates the lists with data directly from a database.  In order
for the dynamic feature to be enabled you must have the dbext.vim plugin
installed, (http://vim.sourceforge.net/script.php?script_id=356).

Dynamic mode is used by several features of the SQL Intellisense plugin.  A
list of tables, procedures, views as well as column lists and the description
of tables and procedures.
    Table List
        - All tables for all schema owners
    Procedure List
        - All stored procedures for all schema owners
    View List
        - All stored procedures for all schema owners
    Column List
        - For the selected table, the columns that are part of the table

To enable the popup, while in INSERT mode, use the following key combinations
for each group (where <C-Space> means hold the CTRL key down while pressing
the space bar):
    Table List             - <C-Space>t
    Stored Procedure List  - <C-Space>p
    View List              - <C-Space>v
    Column List            - <C-Space>c
                           - When viewing a popup window displaying the list
                             of tables, you can press <C-Right>, this will
                             replace the table currently highlighted with
                             the column list for that table.
    Table Description      - When viewing a popup window displaying the list
                             of tables, you can press <Right>, this will
                             open a second popup beside the first with a
                             description of the table currently highlighted.
    Procedure Description  - When viewing a popup window displaying the list
                             of procedures, you can press <Right>, this will
                             open a second popup beside the first with a
                             description of the procedures currently

SQL Tutorial                                    *intellisense-sql-tutorial*

This tutorial is designed to take you through the common features of
the SQL Intellisense plugin so that:
    a) You gain familiarity with the plugin
    b) Introduced to some of the more common features
    c) Show to customize it to your preferences
    d) Demonstrate "Best of Use" of the plugin (easiest way to configure).

First, create a new buffer: >
    :e tutorial.sql

To take you through the various lists, simple enter insert mode, hit:
Now type (without the quotes) "se" then press <Enter> assuming "select"
is highlighted in the popup list.  Now type " * <C-Space>a" choose "from"
from the popup list.

Note, this time you use the "a" list, which includes "all" static items.  The
various different lists have different icons associated with them to make it
easier to distinguish between them.  Using the "a" list is often easier
since you do not need to remember which key combination is necessary for
each list.

When writing stored procedures using the "type" list is useful:
       DECLARE customer_id <C-Space>T <-- Choose a type from the list

To take advantage of the dynamic features you must first install the
dbext.vim plugin.  It also comes with a tutorial.  From the Intellisense
SQL plugin's perspective, the main feature dbext provides is a connection
to a database.  dbext connection profiles are the most efficient mechanism to
define connection information.  Once connections have been setup,
the SQL Intellisense plugin uses the features of dbext in the background
to populate the popups.

Assuming you have followed the dbext.vim tutorial you can press <C-Space>t
to display a list of tables.  When the list is displayed, press <C-Right>,
this will replace the list of tables, with a list of columns.  If you
press <C-Left>, this will replace the column list with the list of tables.
This allows you to drill down into tables and column lists very quickly.

Once a list a columns has been displayed the column list is cached.  The next
time the column list needs to be displayed, the list is populated very
quickly.  When Vim is restarted, the cached column lists are lost.  If you
change the schema of a table that has been cached then you can place your
cursor on the table name (in a Vim buffer) and press <C-Space>r, this will
remove the table (under the cursor) from the cache list.

If you wish to remove all tables from the cached list press <C-Space>R.  This
cache also includes tables where dbext cannot find a column list.

There is also a special provision when writing SELECT statements.  Consider
the following statement: >
    select * 
      from customer c,
           contact cn,
           department dp,
           employee e,
           site_options so
     where c
In INSERT mode after typing the final "c" which is an alias for the "customer"
table, you can press <C-Space><Space>.  This will add a "." and popup a list
of columns for the customer table.  It does this by looking back to the
beginning of the select statement and finding a list of the tables specified
in the FROM clause.  In this case it notes that in the string "customer c",
"c" is an alias for the customer table.

Trouble Shooting                                *intellisense-troubleshoot*

For up to date trouble shooting directions following the troubleshoot link
in the left pane of the following page:

When you first edit a file Intellisense configures itself for the
filetype.  If configuration fails, it will display error messages.
Sometimes Vim will clear the error messages before you have a chance
to read the message.  You can always view these messages using the
following Vim command:

If you see messages and need to copy and paste the messages, you can
highlight the messages with your mouse and type CTRL-Y.  This will place
the highlighted text into the Windows clipboard.  From there you can paste
the messages into an email or a command prompt.

Most of the problems occur if the files are not copied into your correct
place, and if not configured properly. Check if the files are copied into your
proper directories. Check your environment variable by issuing the following
command at the command prompt: >
        C:\> set VIM_INTELLISENSE
This should contain the proper directory. >
        C:\> set PATH
This should contain $JAVA_HOME\jre\bin\server. >
        C:\> set CLASSPATH
This should contain javaft.jar file.
If not try setting the environment variables properly and then try again.

More tips
1. Check your temorary directory. If it contains the file VimHelperParam.txt,
then $VIM_INTELLISENSE is set properly, if not Intellisense is not able
to find vimhelper.dll file.
2. If VimHelper.txt is not found, then vimhelper.dll cannot find file-type
specific files. For java it means, it cannot find javaft.dll or javaft.jar is
not in the classpath.
3. If VimHelper.txt is found and empty, then most probably javaft.jar is not
in classpath.

If both VimHelperParam.txt and VimHelper.txt is found, still if you dont get
the intellisense in your vim, check if insenvim.exe is found. If not mail me,
you found a bug.

2. Options                                              *intellisense-options*

Intellisense does not support many options, though I would like to. But
nevertheless there are some options to set, if you like setting options.
The options are:

OPTION                                  DESCRIPTION     ~
docdelay                                Set the delay for the online help.
                                        This is file-type specific. Different
                                        values for different file-types is

colors                                  Sets the colors(front,back). This is
                                        global. Not file-type specific.

ignorekeys                              Typing the non-alpha and non-numeric
                                        keys closes the list window, by
                                        default. If you specify a set of keys
                                        here, then pressing these keys will
                                        not close the window. This is
                                        file-type specific. Different values
                                        for different file-types is possible.

delimiterkey                            Sets the demiliter key, This is
                                        helpful in scenarios like java
                                        methods. Java methods usually contain
                                        the method arguments in the list
                                        window. But when the user selects,
                                        then you would want to type only the
                                        method name not with arguments.
                                        Specifying '(' as delimiter key will
                                        help the intellisense to put until
                                        '(', thus eliminating the arguments.
                                        This is file-type specific.
                                        Different values for different
                                        file-types is possible.

tooltipclosekey                         When tooltip is present, pressing ')'
                                        closes the tooltip(in Java). By
                                        specifiying the key, you can control
                                        when to close the tooltip window
                                        This is file-type specific.  Different
                                        values for different file-types is

ignorecase                              This sets the ignorecase setting for
                                        list window.  This is file-type
                                        specific.  Different values for
                                        different file-types is possible.

helpwindowsize                          This sets the size of the help window
                                        shown. If you give 0x0, then help is
                                        shown in the default size. If you dont
                                        want help to appear then set the
                                        dochelpdelay option.

1. docdelay
        To set this option, call >
        let b:dochelpdelay=2000
The variable takes a number as its value.. This value is delay in
milliseconds. This is signed number, and you can give any valid integer.
Positive number is taken as delay in milliseconds. Specifying zero(0) will
bring the help window immediately. Negative number will not bring any help
window. If your language cannot support help, then you can specify it as -1.

2. colors
        To avoid being bland, Intellisense supports colors. By default, the
help window is displayed is System InfoBack for background and System Info
Text for foreground. Similarly, Windows default is picked for list window. But
you can change the colors if you want.
        To set this option, call >
        :call SetDlgColor(string,string)
This takes two arguments, the dialog name and the color. The valid dialog
names are >

The valid name for color should be from $VIMRUNTIME\rgb.txt. You can specify
any color from that place.

3. ignoreKeys
        While list window is on, typing any non-alpha and non-numeric keys
will close the list window.(Though there are exceptions, actually pressing
non-character keys like Del,BackSpace will retain the window). For example,
'_' can be part of java method name. But if you type '_' the list will close,
and types the selected item from the list. This is not the desired behaviour
for Java. If you want to retain the window while pressing '_' then add this
key to the ignoreKeys. Similarly, you many want to add ':' and '/' and '_' for
xml.  To add for xml you will add like this: >
        let b:ignorekeys=":/_"

4. delimiterkey
        If you notice the list window for Java, it displays the method with
the arguments. For example, it may contain a method  >
When you select that method, it just prints charAt. It does not print (int).
Actually it strips anything after '('. Since the delimiter can be anything for
various languages, you can specify what the delimiter you want. You can
specify like  >
        let b:demiliterkey="("
Note that it can be just one key.

5. tooltipclosekey
        The tooltip window closes if you press ')'. You can change this
behaviour by setting the following: >
        let b:tooltipclosekey=")"
Note that it can be just one key. But tooltip closes by pressing Esc also.

6. ignorecase
        This sets the ignore case setting for listwindow. The possible values
are  >
        0       Retain Case! Dont ignore case
        1       Make the list Upper case, but ignore case while typing.
        2       make the list Lower case, but ignore case while typing.
        3       Retain the orinigal case in the list, but ignore case while
To set:  >
        let b:ignorecase=3

7. helpwindowsize
        This sets the size of the helpwindow. If you want the default size set
it as  >
        let b:helpwindowsize = 0x0
where 0x0 is the height and width of the help window. You can also give the
any positive number. For example,  >
        let b:helpwindowsize = 120x240
If you dont want any help window read the option 'docdelay'.

5. Develop for your own languages                       *intellisense-build*

You can develop intellisense for your favorite languages. Intellisense was
built in such a way to provide a list window for any type of application you
want. It can be for languages or for specilized application like Spell Checker
which can list the alternatives for mis-spelt word. This section helps how to
display a list window or to show a help window from Vim.

Intellisense is layered into three components. First is the Vim layer, which
gathers the information from Vim side. Then the UI layer, where it can display
a list window or a help window or a tooltip. Then the backend, which actually
gets the information for the UI layer.  >

                 |           |
        Vim Layer| UI Layer  | Backend
                 |           |

Vim Layer
        Vim Layer includes the file intellisense.vim, vimhelper.dll and
filetype specific files like java_vis.vim. This gathers the information needed
for the backend. This does two important things:
1. Copies the current file into $TEMP\viminsrc.tmp. This is a well-known file,
which means, the backend can rely this file will be present.
2. Creates a file called VimHelperParam.txt (in $TEMP) which contains, the
following information:  >
        <current line>
        lineno:column no
        yyyy-mm-dd-hh-mm-ss (this is the session id for caching)
        <current file name with full path>
        <vim servername>

The file VimHelperParam.txt contains, the filename which contains the copy the
current editing file, which in this case, $TEMP\viminsrc.tmp. The second line
contains the current editing line. The third line contains row number and
column number of the current line. The forth line contains the session id. The
fifth line contains the current editing file name with full path. Note that
more information might be added to the vimparamhelper file.
If you want to see a typical file you can
open your $TEMP\VimHelperParam.txt. The vimintellisense.vim then calls
'ShowVisDialog' function in the VimHelper.dll.
This function then calls the exe insenvim.exe with appropriate arguments. This
now trasnforms into UI Layer.

UI Layer & BackEnd
        This layer is responsible for bringing the UI elements. But actually
the data for the UI elements are not with this component. It relys on the
backend to produce the data and pass it across. When the exe is loaded, it
reads the options and then finds what is the filtype associated with the
current editing file. Then, it adds "ft.dll" to the current file-type and
loads that dll. For example, if the user is editing java file, then file-type
of java file is "java", so the UI loads the javaft.dll in to memory. If
loading fails, then UI quits and no UI element is shown. The dll should export
the following functions, in order to become the file-type dll. If not, then
the exe quits.
UI looks for the following methods in the dll:  >

        HRESULT Init(char *param , char **result)
        HRESULT GetMethodList(char *param,char **result)
        HRESULT GetDoc(char *param,char **result)
        HRESULT GetGenList(char *param,char **result)
        HRESULT GetTooltip(char *param,char **result)
        HRESULT CleanUp(char *param,char **result)
        and other user defined functions.

To know how to create user defined functions, look at the User Defined
Functions, in the later sub-sections.
These methods should be exported as WINAPI , that is __stdcall.
  This method is called just after loading the dll. The dll can do its
initialization routines, can cache something if needed. In the 'param', UI layer
passes the version information as string. Typically it passes as "1.0" as of
now. UI does not expect any thing in 'result'(for future use). If dll returns any
non-negative value, the UI believes the Init is successful, and continues. If
there is a negative value, the UI quits, unloading the dll. Typically you can
return S_OK for success, E_FAIL for failure.

        This method is called when the method list is about to be shown.
Typically when pressing '.' in java. 'param' contains nothing, and UI does not
expect any return value from 'result'. The actual return value can anything,
but it is better if you return S_OK.
Here, you have to generate the list to be shown. The details of user input can
be found at $TEMP\VimHelperParam.txt. For more information about this refer
Vim Layer. You are free to process the input the way you like, but you should
generate a file called VimHelper.txt in the $TEMP directory. The format of the
file is as follows:  >
The format is the icon number followed by a colon, and then the method name.
Also it should contain the end of line. Though it is depicted as \n here, it
is end of line, and usually it will not be visible in the editor. Use
something like this:  >
in your cpp code.
Each line will contain single method. For example, if there are 20 methods to
be shown, then there will be 20 lines.
The icon number is defined as follows:   >
    #define STATIC_ACCESS               1
    #define METHOD                      2
    #define ACCESS_PRIVATE              4
    #define ACCESS_PROTECTED            8
    #define ACCESS_PUBLIC               16
    #define ICON_PACKAGE                32
    #define ICON_INTERFACE              64
    #define ICON_CLASS                  128
    #define TYPED_TEXT                  255 
    #define NAMESPACE                   60
    #define EVENT                       61
    #define PROPERTY_PUBLIC             63
    #define PROPERTY_PROTECTED          64
    #define ENUM_PROTECTED              65
    #define ENUM_PRIVATE                66
    #define DELEGATE                    67
    #define TYPE                        68
    #define ENUM_PUBLIC                 70
    #define TEMPLATE                    71
    #define FILE                        72
    #define HEADERFILE                  73
    #define MACRO                       74
    #define ENUM_CONSTANTS              75

For example, if the item is public method, then the icon number will be 16 OR
2 = 18. Here is the sample list:  >
        public method     18
        pulic attribute   16
        private method     6
        private attribute 4

        0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0  
        | | | | | | | |____ 1: Static 0 : Non Static    
        | | | | | | |______ 1: Method 0 : Attribute
        | | | | | |________ 1: Private 0 : undefined
        | | | | |__________ 1: Protected 0 : undefined
        | | | |____________ 1: Public 0: undfined
        | | |______________ 1: Package 0 : undefined
        | |________________ 1: Interface 0 : undefined
        |__________________ 1 : Class 0: undefined

There is a special value, 255, which is actually not an icon, but the 'typed
text'. More information about this later.

So, if you want the icon for package just make the icon number as 32. For
classes the icon number will be 128. Note that the access modifier is
available only for methods and attributes. For example, there is public
attribute, which is 16 OR 0, but there is no public class.( Ok, there is no
icon support!).

If you populate, such list in the file $TEMP\VimHelper.txt, then a list
window appears with the following information.

        This method is called, when the document help is required. The 'param'
contains, the method name, The 'result' is the string, which is the dll should
allocate, should contain the help string in the html format. Simple text is
also OK. The UI layer adds the body tag and the color information. Dont add
color information in the html string. UI will delete (actually use delete
operator in cpp) the string('result'). So, allocate memory, otherwise
insenvim.exe will crash. Note that, this will not crash Vim.

        This is almost like the GetMethodList, you can call it a special
version of GetMethodList. This can be called in two situations. When the user
want a general list (usually the list of classes, interfaces and packages) or
when he typed partially (a method name). For example, in the following java
code, this can be called in the following situation:  >

    public class test
            //Main method
            public static void main(String [] args)
                    String s;

<<Ctrl-Space> is what user typed, expecting the general list. In this
situation, you will populate, list of classes, local variables, packages, etc.
But otherwise the implementation is exactly similar to GetMethodList. You
should populate $TEMP\VimHelper.txt with the above said format.

In other situation,  >
    public class test
            //Main method
            public static void main(String [] args)
                    String s;

Here the user typed <Ctrl-Space> after typing s.com. Here he expects the list
of methods for string, and the first selected item will start with "con". If
there is more than one item starting with "con" in the list, the UI will
select the first item, and wait for the user input. If there is only one item
starting with "con", then it prints that item, and then UI quits. If there is
no item starting with "con", UI does nothing.
For UI to know the "con", you have to pass that thing to UI.  Use
VimHelperParam.txt and get the current line, and then you can get at what
situation the user called for this method. But you have to pass the "con"
(that till what user typed) to UI. When generating the list in VimHelper.txt,
(each line contains iconnumber:methodname) add a last line   >

That is till what the user typed. Note that it should NOT contain the end of
the line after this. For example look into $TEMP\Vimhelper.txt.

You have to distuingsh the two situations only by yourself.Use
VimHelperParam.txt and get the current line, and then you can get at what
situation the user called for this method.

        This method is called when the user is requesting the tooltip. 'param'
is passed as null and the 'result' is not expected. The ftdll should find the
context by parsing the VimHelperParam file.
This method should populate the VimHelper file with the data. Each line will
appear as tooltip. If more than one line is present then tooltip will allow to
cycle through them.

        This is called when the exe quits. You can do your clean-up activity

After you make the dll, place the dll in $VIM_INTELLISENSE directory, and
create ftplugin as necessary. For example, you can look into

User Defined Functions
If these functions do not cater to your needs, you can create your own
functions and make it call from the framework. Right now these user defined
functions can only populate the list window; other functionalities are not yet
defined. To know how to create the user defined functions, look at the sql
plugin, which creates many user defined functions.

You can make a callback to the plugin. Intellisense framework can send the
keystroke back to the plugin, and then plugin can repopulate the list window,
by  populating the values in the Vimhelper.txt file.
Wheneven a key is pressed, intellisense relays the key to the plugin. It
particularly calls the function  >
        int __stdcall OnKeyPress(MSG * msg, char * item, char ** result) 
The actual key pressed will be coming on the msg. It also gives the value of
the item, which you can use. The param result is not used as of now. But you
can populate the values in the intellisense window, if you populate the values
in the vimheler.txt

        To improve speed, intellisense supports caching. It supports one level
of caching. It will allow to cache the data, but not caching the
connections(like database connections). This is because intellisense exe is
restarted everytime and we cannot store anything in the memory. But there are
plans to make it as service (as single instance). Then it should be able to
cache database connections. Now a simple caching is implemented.
Here is how it works:
Every Vim instance has a intellisense session. This session is marked by time.
The starting time for the intellisense plugin is stored in a variable and it
is passed to VimHelperParam file. So until the user starts another session
(that is another vim session) the VimHelperParam file is going to have the
same session id(timestamp). The ftdlls can cache their data in a seperate file
for that session and can refresh the cache if the timestamp is changed in the
VimHelperParam file.  The session id is in the form   >
This is present in the forth line in the VimHelperParam file.

User can also refresh the cache by calling   >
        :call IN_VisReload()

6. Intellisense Future                                  *intellisense-future*

        Future release, should contain intellisense for various languages.
More options and more features are planned. But _importantly_ this should also
support other platforms, especially Linux and Unix.

7. Acknowledgement                                      *intellisense-ack*

        This program is primarily done by Madan Ganesh and Ravi Shankar. There
were many people helped writing this software; thanks to all of them. I
particularly want to thank David Fishburn for his help.

Comments, Bug report
        Mail your comments,bugs, etc to sravishankar@gmail.com or

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